How Custom Templates Help Your Teams On HVAC Jobs

Every HVAC business has its own process for creating estimates and winning bids. You may create estimates by hand, via email, or while on the...

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Calculator for quoting a HVAC job

Every HVAC business has its own process for creating estimates and winning bids. You may create estimates by hand, via email, or while on the phone with your customers. How well does your HVAC estimating system account for accuracy and flexibility before a final quote reaches the customer? What happens when an estimate is approved but you discover your HVAC jobs require additional labor, equipment, or repairs?

We’ve created a guide to show you how the ability to make custom templates for HVAC jobs helps streamline your business:

Free Trial Essential Questions When Creating Custom Templates For HVAC Jobs

Before creating a quote with a custom template for your HVAC jobs, there are 5 questions to consider:

  1. What type of service will fulfill the initial request?
  2. How much time will the repair, replacement, or installation require?
  3. What type of equipment does your team need to complete the job?
  4. What is the estimated mileage/gas for travel?
  5. How many techs will you need to schedule?

Afterward, the next step is creating a quote that conveys this information and leaves room for opportunity. 

Why Use Custom Templates For HVAC Businesses

How Custom Templates Can Help Your Business

Using custom service templates from RazorSync, your business can experience better workflow management, whether you’re in the field, at the office, or en route to your next job site. 

  • Incoming Requests: Some HVAC jobs require the same tools, skills, and time management, while others require additional steps or parts. Our custom templates give you and your team more flexibility to edit existing templates or create new ones, using notes and instructions from previous work orders. This cuts time in half and allows your techs to make changes on the go, so your customers receive accurate pricing whenever they request it. 
  • Up-Sell/Maintenance Packages: Because your techs are in the field, it’s essential to equip them with the best resources to up-sell services and provide customers with the information they need to make informed decisions. If customers request a furnace repair but are curious about the cost to replace their heating system, your techs can easily access their information and educate them on their pricing options right there from their smart device. The tech can then create a new quote, schedule the replacement, and order their parts, all from the same device. 
  • Inventory Management: Using RazorSync’s custom template features, you can easily include parts and equipment needed within each quote. If a particular service item is out of stock or low on inventory, you’ll immediately be notified. This lets you plan ahead and include up-to-the-minute information on when the repair or installation will be completed. This keeps techs and customers on the same page and helps avoid miscommunication. 

RazorSync’s field service software will help you manage your company and clients to ensure that you can provide modernized, high-quality HVAC services efficiently. Contact RazorSync for details, book a demo, or try it free for 14 days.

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